6 Ways to Start Your Day Better
Ideally, we all wish we could wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. However, most of us can't face the morning rise without a fresh cup of coffee to wake us up. Take these five tips into consideration to improve the morning slump.
Obviously this is often easier said than done, but you will surely thank yourself once you master the art of early mornings. Waking up refreshed instead of groggy is a true game changer and can be accomplished by one simple task: get your full 8 hours of sleep! Even if this means sacrificing that last episode of your favorite show, close your laptop and collect your Z's. Waking up early allows you to fit time in for energizing workouts, wholesome breakfasts, and a little time to do whatever is it that makes you feel alive! Most importantly, resisting the snooze button insures that you will avoid any crazy rush to get ready and out of the house!
2) Choose a motivational mug
A simple switch to a motivational mug can seriously brighten your morning mood. Not only does it have the important job of holding your magic morning cup of coffee or tea, but it's also a subtle reminder not to take everything so seriously. Plus, finding adorable mugs can become quite an addictive hobby, so clear out your cabinet space!

5) Change up your wardrobe
If you have extra time in the morning, reflection is a solid way to boost your mood. Whether it's silently to yourself while brushing your teeth or jotting your gratitude in a planner of journal, there's only gain from thanks and positivity! Setting aside a few minutes to reflect on all of the positives in your life is an outstanding way to make your day a little happier.

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