girls sitting on sofa smiling and holding up their decorated vision boards

Vision Boards

Vision boards are an amazing tool to help you identify, visualize and achieve any goals you have for yourself. Visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do! It’s also not just fun, it’s science! People with written out visions and goals are 50% more likely to accomplish them than those that keep them in their head. Tape or glue anything that inspires you over this text to create your vision board and start making this year your best year ever.

Here are some of our best tips for success:

There aren’t any rules! Your board can be focused on one specific category or cover multiple goalsfor the year. Need help getting started? Think about potential goals in the following categories: personal growth, relationships, health & fitness, family & home, work/school, finances, fun & adventure. Focus not just on things you want, but how you want to feel. It’s OK to include something that just makes you feel happy vs. having a specific ‘purpose’ (ex. include a picture from a past vacation even if you don’t plan on taking a similar trip this year, just because it makes you feel happy and calm!). Check back to your vision board page often.
The more you see it, the more it will affect you. Share it with friends. Sharing your goals takes your likeliness of accomplishing
them from 50% to 90%! This gives you accountability partners AND cheerleaders along your path to success.

Learn more about how to create a physical vision board on our blog here
and check out our tips for creating a digitial vision board below.

decorated vision board in planner
girls holding washi tape decorating their vision boards
decorated vision board printable