
6 Tips To Help You Stay On Track During Nutrition Month

Happy National Nutrition Month! It is time to put all that good meal prepping and healthy living goals into action. Staying on track with your nutrition can often be more difficult than it seems, but we are here to help provide ways to stay on track as best as you can!
Eating healthy means something different to everyone! What is most important when it comes to eating is listening to your body and finding what is right for YOU! 
Food gives us energy and it is important that we provide our body with good energy that will sustain us throughout the day! Skip the over-processed foods and opt for the fresh-made sandwich. When life gets super hectic it is so easy to be swept up and take the easier way out by stopping at a fast-food restaurant because it's so quick and easy. Instead, take the time to make something home-made and fresh for yourself! Your body will feel more energized and will thank you! Cooking takes longer BUT we have a solution to help you feel like the time is going by faster. SOLUTION: play your favorite music, or put on one of our Spotify playlists! Another idea: put your favorite show on in the background! Soon you will be distracted enough that time will fly by and your dinner will be ready to eat before you know it! Blasting your favorite tunes is definitely a foolproof method because soon you will be having a dance party and possibly even using your cooking spoon as a microphone, it happens to all of us!
Since it is nutrition month, we have some important tips for you to help you keep motivated and stay on track!
Tip 1: Be Conscious of the Foods You Buy
Instead of buying potato bread or white bread try to swap it out for whole-grain bread. Eating whole grains are a great source of vitamins and fiber! Also having whole grains more often supports healthy digestion. A great staple food to add to your diet is greek yogurt! Greek yogurt has so much protein which helps you to feel fuller for longer. Don't forget to eat your greens! Eating your greens is so important to gut health and feeling satiated after a meal. 
Pro Tip: if you are craving some salty potato chips swap them out for some air-popped popcorn or pretzels! These are all great foods to have to start on the health journey!
Tip 2: Don't Shop Without a List
Go to the grocery store with a list in your hand. This is the best way to make sure you don't make too many impulsive and unnecessary purchases on your trip. Writing down what you intend to buy beforehand and brining this list with you automatically holds you more accountable. Sticking to your list will prompt you to buy healthier items and save money! Use our Grocery List to stick to your shopping plan and keep you on task at the supermarket!
Tip 3: Drink Lots of Water
Drinking enough water throughout the day is SO important! You need to properly hydrate your body! Drinking lots of water helps delivers oxygen throughout the body but helps to regulate your body temperature. More importantly, drinking enough water during the day boosts skin health and beauty as it prevents premature wrinkling. Also, if you are getting active drinking water is essential! It helps boost your performance during exercise! Our Health and Wellness Pad has a section dedicated to reminding you to drink at least 8 cups per day! With each cup you drink, you can cross one off! If drinking water gets boring and plain spice it up by adding some fruit to infuse the water! Add some lemons, limes or oranges to change it up and bring in some flavor!
Tip 4: Meal Prep
Now we know you have heard all about meal prepping as it has become known as "THE thing to do" but it really is! Meal prepping alleviates so much stress after a long day of work. All you have to do is toss your prepared ingredients together and cook it all up, then BOOM! Dinner is served! Meal prepping encourages you to stay on track as you already have those ingredients ready and you know that the meal will be healthy and delicious! If your schedule is too busy to have a day dedicated to meal prepping, we get it! Another alternative is meal planning! Just plan out what meals you want to eat during the week so you still have something to stick to when that day comes. The process of cooking it may take longer but at least you can hold yourself accountable to stick to the meals you have previously scheduled out. You can meal plan with ease when you use our *NEW* Lemons Meal Planning Pad! Success is a guarantee!
Tip 5: Get Active
Getting active is very important! Exercise has been shown to improve your mood which is always a bonus. Low intensity and weight-bearing exercises are great for women because they build bone health. Also, exercise releases endorphins which boosts your mood therefore helping you to feel good! Make sure to try to get some activity each day even if it is only stretching, going for a short walk or doing some yoga! If you need motivation, bring your best pal to encourage you and make it more fun!
Tip 6: Go Easy On Yourself
Food is fuel but is also meant to be enjoyed! We can't eat perfectly and work out all the time. The trick is to find a balance that works for you! Don't beat yourself up if your meals aren't perfect or if you mess up from time to time. 
It is important to prioritize your health and do what is best for you, whether that is doing a face mask, meal prepping, or going to a workout class. Get together with friends and have fun potluck parties with healthy meals. Do meal prep with friends to hold yourself accountable and make the process more fun. Find creative ways to celebrate Nutrition Month!
bloom team

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6 Tips To Help You Stay On Track During Nutrition Month