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Nix Black Friday and Try a bloom Friday!

We’ve all seen it, the mayhem, the madness, the sales! Herds of crazed shoppers storm the malls and department stores in an attempt to save big. That’s right, Black Friday is upon us once more. For some, it’s a day they’ve been waiting for all year. For others, it’s a big red flag to steer clear of all retail stores for 24 hours. If you don’t have the energy or the desire to end Thanksgiving early and hit the shops, there are still plenty of things you can do on Black Friday. Our team here at bloom is giving you some of our favorite traditions, as well as some new ideas to make your Black Friday a bloom Friday!

1) Jenna’s Christmas Tree Hunt!

“The Friday after Thanksgiving, my family and I go to a farm to pick out our Christmas tree. We dress up in warm and cozy clothes, buy hot chocolate, and munch on caramel corn that is made fresh at the farm. We hop on a tractor, grab a saw, and set out to find the perfect tree. It’s always a debate about which kind of tree to cut. Once we find the perfect tree, we take our Christmas card picture to send to family and friends. Next, we load our tree onto the roof of our car and head home. That night, we always watch The Polar Express and decorate the tree. And if we still have energy, we make ginger bread cookies! This is one of my favorite days all year!”

For those of you who can’t wait for the Christmas season, why not use the Friday off to start decorating? It doesn’t matter if you cut a live tree or use a fake one, decorating for the holidays can be a fun, family activity! While you’re decorating, put on some carols or your favorite Christmas movie. Make sure to bake some cookies and drink hot chocolate too!


 2) Brie’s Bowling Bash!

“My family has a tradition of going bowling every Black Friday. Everyone usually spends the night at our house on Thursday, and we use bowling on Friday as a way to spend a little more time together before everyone goes their separate ways. It basically turns into another party, and we always have an absolute blast!”

Taking a family trip to the lanes is a great way to bond, have a good time, and avoid the hustle and bustle of Black Friday shopping.

3) Lauren’s Crafty Christmas!  

“The day after Thanksgiving my family and I do a fun craft together! My family is very artistic so this is something that many of us enjoy! Last year, we all painted a Christmas Tree painting on a 12 X 12 canvas. This was a simple but fun activity. All you need is acrylic paint, paint brushes, canvas to paint on, smocks, water cups, and little inspiration!”

What’s more relaxing after a day full of eating than painting and crafting with the family? It’s a great way to get into the holiday spirit after a fun-filled fall. Depending on the type of craft, you can even use them as gifts for the holidays. Nothing is more meaningful and heartfelt than a homemade gift. Also, you won’t break the bank or a bone shopping for gifts at the mall during Black Friday.


4) Kristina’s Nature Walk! 

“After Thanksgiving, I usually meet up with my friends from high school and we hangout either watching a movie and just chilling at someone's house, or we go walk around the lake near my house and talk. We only see each other on breaks because we all go to different schools, so it's nice to all meet up after typically hectic days traveling with family for Thanksgiving and just pick up where we left off like no time has passed.”

Making time for friends around the holidays is so important! If you are in college or live far away from home, this is a great time to reconnect with old friends. Hanging in and watching a movie, or going for a tranquil walk in nature is a great way to catch up and reconnect.

5) Nick’s Letters! 

“I like to take the time to write thoughtful holiday cards for those extended family members who I don't see or talk to often.”

As busy as our lives are, it’s always important to remember our loved ones. Whether they are right down the street or across the country, sending family a letter that lets them know you are thinking of them is a nice way to continue the Thanksgiving love. It’s amazing how much a simple letter can impact someone’s day. Taking the time to spread a little joy is a great way to spend Black Friday. 

6) Kaylyn’s Cookie Bake!

"Skip the lines and get started on decorating your house for the Holidays early! I invite friends and family over to start baking for upcoming parties! You can always freeze the cookies in an air-tight, Ziplock bag so you have them ready to go over the busy holiday season! It's such a fun day and quality time with family."

Who doesn’t love cookies? I know I do! Not only are they yummy to eat and fun to make, but they make great gifts for neighbors and friends. Freeze them until Christmas, plate, or box them, tie on a ribbon or bow, and you have a delicious homemade gift! It’s a thoughtful, heartfelt, and inexpensive way to show those close to you that you are thinking of them during the holiday season. Sometimes the best gifts can come right from your own kitchen!

 7) Katy’s Thanksgiving Round Two!

“My family normally all comes over to decorate the house for the upcoming holidays and we have leftover thanksgiving food for lunch.”

Another day of family, food, and bonding? Sounds good to us! What better way to get rid of all those Thanksgiving leftovers than by inviting everyone over again to devour them? It doesn’t even have to be the same meal as the previous day. You can make turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce and gravy, make casseroles, or a hearty shepherd’s pie. There are tons of recipes online and on social media that offer yummy ways to create new meals out of Thanksgiving leftovers. Aside from the food, spending another day with the people who mean the most to you beats shopping any day. At the end of the day, family and friends are what matter the most!

I hope you found some of these ideas useful and that you can put your own spin on them to create your own version of bloom Friday! Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season! 



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Nix Black Friday and Try a bloom Friday!