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Featured #bloomgirl: Taylor Young; Mother, Nurse, and #instafamous Planner Babe!

This month's featured #bloomgirl is Taylor Young. Taylor is a full time working momma, practical nurse, full-time nursing student, and #instafamous planner babe! We connected with Taylor through social media and finally met at GO Wild in 2018 in Austin, TX! Taylor is smart, strong, creative, driven, passionate, and a total boss! We are so inspired by Taylor and her unwavering determination. 
Tell us a little bit about yourself! 
I am a 26-year-old, Philly born mama to a five-year-old. Currently living in San Antonio, Texas. I am a licensed practical nurse in the emergency department. I am also a full-time student, attending school to receive my RN-BSN. Once obtaining my RN, I plan to work in labor/delivery and go back to school for my two master's degrees to work as a certified nurse-midwife and women's health nurse practitioner. 
Tell us how you got involved with the planning community! 
I began planning after the birth of my son in 2014. I needed a way to document everything from doctors appointment for both him and I, my school schedule, his father's work schedule, and baby milestones. I eventually started to add photos to track how fast he was growing. This obsession with stickers and pretty things just grew. Pretty soon I was hosting planner meetups for local planners in the Philadelphia/Delaware area, driving to other states for meetups, and attending conferences for PLANNERS including GO Wild where I met the fabulous bloom ladies! 
What is your favorite thing about being part of this community?
My favorite part about this community is the friendships I have created over the years and the ones I continuously get to form. It is crazy how we can find so many people who have similar interests and share similar lifestyles with all because of a planner. I recently started a new job in an emergency department. I have been so anxious about meeting the new staff and I have been learning so much that it has become overwhelming. Another nurse recognized my planner and said there were so many planner babes in this department. I have gotten to get to know more about my coworkers and they have gotten to know me. I have not brought out my crazy obsessed planner side yet with the paperclip tattoo and the convention visits just yet, but I'm sure they'll see it soon!
Who or what is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration is my son. He is the reason I push myself and have high goals I want to achieve. He is literally my best friend and because he deserves the best, I want to make sure I give him that and more. 
How do you handle being a mom, nurse, and being #instafamous? 
Oh gosh, it’s a lot. I prioritize my son first, school/work, then social media. There are times where I had gotten so consumed in social media and trying to keep up with the planner world. I make a huge effort to only check my phone a few times when I have my little one or during crazy study nights. I set certain times to check and reply back to follower messages and comments. A lot of followers have been with me since my son was born. They have seen me raise a little man, switch professions, go to school, my divorce, graduation, and relationships. My followers have been so supportive over the last few years, even when I take “breaks” from social media, they know I’ll be right back with plenty to share and catch up on! Check out Taylor's Instagram page, here
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced, personally or professionally? How have you overcome it? 
The biggest challenge personally and professionally I have faced was moving across the country 6 months ago from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to San Antonio, Texas. Leaving family and the security of a decent job in an emergency department to get back to school to further my career in nursing. I am on my theirs semester out of six for an accelerated nursing program to get my RN. I work night shifts in an emergency department and a long term acute care hospital for critically ill patients.  Working two jobs, with a five-year-old, and loaded semesters has been quite a challenge, but I just keep reminding myself it will all pay off!

If you could talk to yourself 5 years ago, what advice would you give yourself? 
5 years ago is when I decided to change majors from seeking a degree in teaching and started applying to nursing schools. I had a 6-month old that I knew I wanted to give the world and a new passion after seeing the way my labor and delivery nurses cared for me. I knew I wanted to do the same for others. If I could give myself advice back then, I’d honestly tell myself to keep doing what you’re doing, ignore those who doubt you, and continue to prove them wrong. Oh, and lay off the Starbucks, because that’s an addiction 2014 Taylor started that 2019 Taylor still can’t stop. 
What are some key books/learning experiences that have helped shape you?
Key learning experiences for me are those of which I have had interacting with those around me; be it my son, family, friends, social media followers, or patients. Having the opportunity to move to a new state, I learn new things about myself all the time now. I have a new love of poetry; reading a few poems to unwind before bed. I love the outdoors more and more, even with this Texas heat, you can usually find me by the water. I am still a workaholic, I get that from my dad, but I am slowly learning to take it easy and to enjoy my nights off.
What are your favorite bloom products, and why? 
My favorite bloom products are the binders, planners, and stickers! The binders are a student must-have. I love the simplicity of each cover, while still sharing a little bit of personality with their choice. I use the academic planner for my school planning. Maintaining a class schedule for four-five classes each semester is a lot. I dedicate one planner for the year strictly to the classes. With the new bloom color coding stickers, it’ll be even cuter! I keep a home binder to track finances and meal plan. I use the free printable sheets from the bloom site to keep track. Also, I have recently gotten into digital planning. I am VERY excited about bloom's digital planner and stickers on Etsy
We hope Taylor's story inspires you as much as it has inspired us. Know someone doing something amazing in your community? Nominate them to be a featured #bloomgirl by emailing us at bloom@bloomplanners.com! 


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Featured #bloomgirl: Taylor Young; Mother, Nurse, and #instafamous Pla