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Featured #bloomgirl: Rachael Gilbert; momma, business owner, influencer and podcast host!

This month's featured #bloomgirl is Rachael Gilbert! Rachel is a former Oklahoman turned Texan by her husband. She is a homeschooling momma of 3, business owner, coach, blogger, creator of The Intentional Influencer and podcast host of Real Talk with Rachael. She loves Jesus and loves to go on outdoor adventures with her husband. Rachael loves to equip women to get real, live free and pursue their God-given dreams. You can follow her at rachaelgilbert.com, as well as on Facebook and Instagram!
How did you get your start?
My work in the online space all started when I was in a class called WILD (Women in Leadership Development). An author came to speak to us and told us we needed to learn to write and the best way to do that was to start a blog. This is the first post I ever made on my blog called "Be your color". From there, it opened doors for me to write, speak, podcast and now working on my first book! You never know where a simple "yes" will take you!
Who or what is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration is when I hear God speak to me to do something, I act in obedience and I see women set free and blessed because of it. It reminds me it is not about me but always about Him. He is why I do what I do in this online space. 
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced, personally or professionally? How have you overcome it?
The biggest challenge I have faced is staying focused on the mission. It is easy to listen to the chatter about how much numbers matter but I have discovered God is more concerned with our character and heart than the size of our platforms.
It reminds me of the verse in Psalm 127:1, "Unless the Lord builds the house, the workers labor in vain." For more thoughts on what God has taught me about platform size, read this Instagram post.
If you could talk to yourself 5 years ago, what advice would you give yourself?
Advice to my five years ago self would be to focus, focus, focus only on the things God has called you to. Stay in your lane. Keep your eyes on your own paper and move only when God says "go". 
What are some key books/learning experiences that helped shape you/your business?
I've been honored to be a member of the Declare Conference team. Those conferences and community shaped me staying to true to my mission. 
What are your favorite bloom products, and why?
I love all of the bloom products, but my favorite would be the Vision Planner! I actually used to be very disorganized and when I began to take what I do online seriously I knew I had to get systems in place. I am a paper planner girl and these fit all of my needs, plus they are gorgeous! I also love the bloom Love Notes and Act of Kindness Cards
Know someone doing something amazing in your community? Nominate them to be a featured #bloomgirl by emailing us at bloom@bloomplanners.com! 


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Featured #bloomgirl: Rachael Gilbert; momma, business owner, influence