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Community Spotlight: Brittany and Courtney; Founders of Protea Lane!

Tell us a little bit about yourselves!

We are Brittany and Courtney and we are sister in laws! Our husbands are brothers and we pretty much raise our kids as cousin siblings. Both of us are full-time teachers turned stay-at-home moms working the side hustle and chasing our dreams of being entrepreneurs. We love all things coffee, traveling, holidays, Target, traditions, and having our kids grow up like siblings. Brittany has two babes - Brayden is 5.5 and Breena who just turned 3. Courtney has Caspian, who is 3.5, and Finley who is almost 1.

What is your why?

Protea Lane was inspired by the strength of being a mama, our friends' stylish ways, the courage to do something different, and the joy of all things pretty. 

We both LOVE flowers! The protea flower is a gorgeous flower from Africa, and it is a symbol of strength and courage. We knew this is what our company was about. We wanted to share our passions and show our kids what hard work and dedication can create. Our mantra is Be Brave. Be Kind. It represents who we want to be, our company goals, and the values and actions we want our kids to live by.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced, personally or professionally? How have you overcome it?

It has truly been balance. As full time moms to young kids, support entrepreneur husbands, and being involved with our church/school, Brittany owning a photography business AND then adding in our new company it has pushed us personally and professionally. It is a difficult balance! We constantly work and check in with each other. Being a team with your family is something very special!

If you could talk to yourself 5 years ago, what advice would you give yourself?

Oh man! I think the first thing I would say is great ready, be flexible, work hard and play hard! There have been so many changes and surprises with our husbands company taking off and their lives changing dramatically and in turn our lives! Plus we have had a lot kids in between. We never thought we would start our own company so it's exciting to be opened to new ideas and what unique opportunities life can really bring.

What are some key books/learning experiences that helped shape you/your business?

When I first started my photography business 8 years ago I was still teaching full time and in grad school, so this was new territory.  Our passions have always been in creating. My husband and I worked together as a team to do our side hustles and they continued to grow and develop. Once we were going to have our first child then we knew our side hustles would support us so I could stay home.  It was then that mentorships and community became an exciting part of us growing our businesses. Then as the four of us continued to build new business we worked together as a brothers and sisters husbands and wives team!

What is your best productivity hack or planning tip?

When I make my weekly list for what I need to do each day I don't just list them but I prioritize them. I also make a bonus list for if I have extra time in a different spot. Then if there are days that are just crazy I literally plan the day by hour and even set timers, I have learned this helps me stay super focused and keeps me motivated to rotate through things if I get something else done faster!

What are your favorite bloom products, and why?

The Planning Pads! Oh man, we both LOVE a good planning pad, grocery list, weekly list, and bulleted list!


We love Protea Lane's focus on giving back to others in their community. For every bag or wristlet sold in April, they will be donating a bag or wristlet to local women's shelters in Colorado. The Traveler Bag and Wristlet are 20% off now. Use code GIVEBACK for free US shipping on orders over $23. Shop here.

Follow Protea Lane on Instagram!

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Community Spotlight: Brittany and Courtney; Founders of Protea Lane!