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5 Study Tips That Will Help you Score an A

For many of us college students, April doesn’t only mean warmer weather and one step closer to summer, but it also means that final exams are in sight! With so many distractions and a busy schedule, it is so important to keep good study habits. As a sophomore at the University of Delaware, I’ve had my fair share tough exams and long nights dedicated to studying. That’s why I’ve put together a list of helpful study tips that will help you earn the A you deserve!

  • 1. Plan Ahead
  • First off, it is so important to know the date, time, and location of all of your exams. This means writing down all this information when your teacher gives it to you so you’re not surprised the day before the exam, or have to scramble to find the information. Planning ahead also means making time to study your notes earlier than one day before the exam. Instead of trying to cram a semester’s worth of information the night before the exam, try studying a couple topics a night so you can get a deeper understanding of the material.

    An easy way to visually understand the date, time and location of your exams, is through our daily planner! The monthly view is a perfect space to locate the date of the exam, and the daily view is perfect to write down the other important information such as the time and location!

    2. Take Regular Study Breaks

    No one is expected to stay focused all the time. It is so important to take breaks when you study and do something you like. Some ideas for an effective study break can include: Eating a snack, cook a meal, exercise, read a chapter in a book, or look through a magazine. Study breaks can be much needed and when done right can increase your productivity when studying.

    Unfortunately, it is also really easy to turn your 20 minute study break into a 2 hour study break. Make sure to stay away from social media and TV because you will probably end up being super unproductive. Instead, save surfing the web and watching your favorite TV show until after you study to reward yourself for working hard!

    3. Embrace New Ways of Studying

    To some, paper flash cards are the way to go, and there’s definitely nothing wrong with that. But for those who are over the old fashion way of studying, we are so lucky to have so many tools available to us. Personally, I love utilizing Quizlet. It is perfect to save paper, quiz myself, and also have access to other students’ flash cards that have taken the class in the past. But even if you don’t like using Quizlet, there are so many other websites and apps on our phones and tablets that we can try!

    4. Create a Productive Environment

    It can be hard to study in different environments whether it’s silent, or chatty. The key to tuning out your surroundings is a study playlist and bluetooth headphones! A playlist can be really effective to keep you in a positive mindset and the headphones will be sure to cancel out any noise that could potentially distract you. Need help finding the perfect headphones to create the perfect study environment? Reviews.com created an awesome guide so you can find great headphones that will ensure better productivity! “According to audio experts, the best Bluetooth headphones come down to a few core concepts. They should feel good to wear, be easy to carry and use, and fun to listen to.” You can view this article here.

    Another tool to check out is Bloom’s study playlist on Spotify! It is filled with calming, acoustic, positive song choices to keep you motivated while you study for your big exam! Check it out here

    5. Stay Positive and Confident!

    When all is said and done and you have studied for hours and can’t study another flash card, be confident that you know the material! Staying positive and calm leading up to an exam is half the battle. Entering an exam over worked and negative will cause you to second guess yourself. Keep reminding yourself as you study and complete the exam that you can do this!

    I hope these 5 tips will help you score an A on your next big exam. Just remember that everyone is different and not one thing works for everyone, so keep trying different study techniques until you find the perfect system! Happy studying! 

  • Also check out these Tips To Improve Performance Around Testing Time from MacCormac College


  • Xoxo,


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    5 Study Tips That Will Help you Score an A