Lauren's Farewell Blog
It is a bittersweet day for me today. As you can tell from the title of this post, this is my farewell blog. Today is my last day as bloom’s Social Media Director! I have worked with bloom for almost 7 years so this is a very emotional time, to say the least. I have learned SO much in my time at bloom. I have gained a second family not just through my bloom co-workers but also through our amazing bloom community!
Bloom’s mission is to inspire and empower others to bloom into the best versions of themselves and I truly feel as if I’m living out that mission! Bloom has been a springboard for me and has prepared me for my next adventure. I am excited for this next chapter in my life but will miss my bloom family so much.
When did you start working at bloom?
I started at bloom as a Production & Proofing Intern in March of 2015. I saw a job posting for an internship at a planner company and being the “planner girl” that I am, I knew I needed to apply. I will never forget calling my mom after my interview with Kaylyn and Michelle and telling her, “I NEED to work here!” After hearing about blooms mission and heart, I knew I was fully aligned and had found a place to call home.
I graduated from University of Delaware in the spring of 2016 and started working as a full-time employee at bloom in September. One of the coolest parts of working at bloom was creating my own job description and list of responsibilities. I was told to write a list of things I was good at and things that I could bring to the bloom team. At that time, I knew I was good at talking and relationship building. With help and guidance from the bloom team, I grew into my role of Director of Social Media and Partnerships. I am proud of the relationships and connections I have made for bloom. I have also had the pleasure to manage a few dozen interns that move on to do amazing things.

What are some of your favorite memories?
I have way too many memories to count! My most vivid and cherished moments are those spent traveling with the bloom team. We have traveled all over the country for tradeshows, conferences, and retreats. A few of my favorites have been Salt Lake City, Atlanta, Austin, San Antonio, Las Vegas, Disney World, Tucson, and New Orleans. I am so grateful for the opportunity to travel and bond with my bloom family!

Another fulfilling part of my job was being able to talk with groups of young girls from organizations like Girls Inc. and local schools about the importance of planning and staying organized. I also loved volunteering with the bloom team at organizations such as Philabundance, Samartitan's Purse, Give Kids The World, Sunday Breakfast Mission, and Urban Promise.

Any time spent laughing makes me happy. Everyone who knows me, knows that I have a very loud, boisterous laugh! One of the most fun parts of my job was organizing team building games and activities for our team. Survivor challenges, building gingerbread houses, decorating pumpkins, hosting Family Feud as Steve Harvey…so many fun memories!

What lessons did you learn?
“Blooming into your best self” isn’t always pretty or easy. I think some of my biggest growth moments happened during really tough, dark parts of my life. You have to see darkness in order to know what true light feels like. Embrace the tough moments and know that they won't last forever. On the other side of darkness is always light. Blooming takes courage, patience, and faith. When you count your blessings, practice gratefulness, and think about others, you grow.
You don’t need to wait for others to begin. Life is short! If you have an idea, a gut feeling, a calling… run with it! You don’t need approval or validation from others to start something new.

There is true strength and power in being vulnerable. I’ve learned to not be so afraid to show the people the REAL me. People are attracted to your vulnerability and authenticity. At bloom’s first ever Go Wild Planner Conference, Stephanie Fleming said, "through our weaknesses, we connect, through our strengths, we compete". The bloom team and I were truly influenced by this message. Don't be afraid to share your hardships with others. People will appreciate your authenticity and be real with you in return and this is where true connections begin to form.
You don't always need to show up perfectly with all the answers. This is something I am still working on, but getting better at. Reach out when you need help. Share your burdens and struggles with others. It will help you feel lighter.

How did bloom change your life?
Bloom has changed my life in so many ways. I am so thankful for a company who puts its employees, customers, and community first. I know that I will take this mentality of putting others first into any job moving forward. You can have anything you want in life, as long as you help other people get what they want. Put others first and focus on building up others around you. I will never forget this message!

What will you miss the most?
I will miss my bloom family!

Paul is the pushy stage dad that I never knew I needed but whom I am so thankful for. You’ve expanded my mind and changed the way I in which I view the world. Thank you for all the tough lessons.
John is the man behind the numbers. He is one of the most caring, generous, and patient people that I know. Thank you for your time and investment into my development.
Michelle showed me what hard work and determination looks like. I loved working with a manger who was right there with me putting in the early mornings or late nights. Michelle is a role model for me. Thank you for leading the way for me and showing me what a great co-worker, manager, sister, friend, daughter, and MOM looks like!
Kaylyn is like an older sister to me. She is the question queen and social butterfly of the office. I admire her in so many ways. Thank you for always being silly and talking in weird accents with me. Thank you for always making time to talk with all of us and putting relationships first.
Jen the comedian of the office but also the “don’t mess with me or I will kick your ass” person! Thank you for always having my back! Thank you for all of the laughs and dad jokes. You always kept me smiling and laughing! I know our section of the office will be a lot quieter now.
Katy is sweet, caring, understanding, and reliable. She is truly the one that keeps things going at bloom. Thank you for always making time to talk at lunch and truly caring about others. You are just amazing!
Jenn is the introvert to my extrovert. Thoughtful, creative, reliable, and hardworking and my fellow loud laugher in the office! Thank you for all of the laughs!
Mackenzie showed me what it truly means to put your heart into your work. She is dedicated, hard working, heartfelt, funny, and kind. A true gem! Thank you for always getting my jokes!
Nick is my fellow “The Office” fanatic. Thank you for getting all of my Office jokes and quotes. You are such a hard worker! Thank you for everything.
What is your final message to our bloom community?
Thank you for all of your support and love throughout the years. I cannot wait to see how the bloom community will continue to grow. We have such amazing members. Thank you for your help, guidance, and encouragement! I am so grateful to be a part of this community forever! I am excited to still be involved in our bloom Community Facebook Group. I am a #bloomgirl for life!

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