Featured #bloomgirl: Rose; Owner of Ideal Weight Management!
This month's featured #bloomgirl is Rose, Owner and Health Coach at Ideal Weight Management! We are so inspired by Rose and we can't wait to share her story with you!

Tell us your story!
Even as a young child, I took on everything I possibly could. To say that I filled my plate might be an understatement. Days that I had nothing to do felt boring and pointless. I loved the rush of having a very scheduled day, with no downtime. I kept up this style of my life for years…then…kids entered the picture. For a few years, I continued to try and keep up. I was a middle school teacher, the family organizer, coaching sports teams and leading clubs. I never wanted to say no to anyone. If you asked, I would be right there to take it on.
In early 2010, I decided to return to the classroom after having my two girls. Very quickly, I realized that I was completely overwhelmed. I was exhausted. For the first time in my life, I knew I was overspent and felt like I wasn’t being a good teacher, a good wife, a good mom, a good friend. Then I realized, although I loved teaching and educating and helping others, I wasn’t in my “dream job”. I knew I had to change.
It started with a makeover for the entire family and our nutrition. My husband and I hired health coaches that were several hours away from our hometown and they helped us reach our health goals. It wasn’t long before I knew that was what I wanted to do. A combined love of education, helping others, and wellness.
In May of 2010, with my family high-fiving and supporting me along the way, I opened Ideal Weight Management. This allowed me to be my own boss and have a flexible schedule.

What is your biggest challenge?
Trying to distinguish between running the business and being the business and that doing both, can be challenging. To overcome this, I’ve hired excellent team members that I could fully trust so that it could allow me time to focus on building and running the business.
What is your biggest inspiration?
I am constantly inspired by entrepreneurs, especially the story of Sara Blakely and Spanx. I love that she trusted her idea and was persistent through every roadblock!
What advice would you give yourself if you could talk to yourself 5 years ago?
I would keep reminding myself that the same clients will need you 5 years down the road and hopefully, for a lifetime. Other health professionals are never thought of as a temporary support: not your dentist, your chiropractor, your massage therapist, your doctor, or your therapist. Remember that the journey is forever and that we have to continue to challenge clients to improve their health daily.
What are some key books/learning experiences that helped shape you and your company?
Very early on, I attended a Dave Ramsey Entreleadership two-day workshop. It was perfect timing, even though I didn’t really know it at the time. I never really thought of myself as an entrepreneur until that workshop. It taught me to be pro-active and how to dream about the type of business I wanted to build and also how to be fiscally responsible in the venture.
What are your favorite bloom products!?
My favorite bloom products are the Grocery List Planning Pad and the Meal Planning Pad! There are many areas of my life that I am unorganized, but the one thing that I do religiously every week is to use the Meal Planning Pad! Without a doubt, it’s the most useful meal pad I’ve ever had. The perforated shopping list is incredibly helpful (but people don’t really understand that until they use it). The little secret here is that when you have it up on your fridge for the family to see this week’s menu, it’s actually the following week’s shopping list on the pad. You can go ahead and start writing down things as you need them throughout the week. Each week, I write down our weekly menu, make my list, tear it off and head out to the store…only once a week and with a list saves me both time and money! So while we may have a hectic week, meals are healthy and not stressful.

We hope you enjoyed learning a little more about Rose and her incredible journey to starting Ideal Weight Management! Learn more about Ideal Weight Managment, here.
Do you have a #girlboss story to share? Email us at bloom@bloomplanners.com for a chance to be our next featured bloom girl!
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