Featured #bloomgirl: Jess Ivey; Singer, Artist, and Eternal Optimist!
This month’s featured #bloomgirl is Jess Ivey! Jess starting interning for bloom back in the spring of 2019. Jess worked at bloom as a graphic design intern and during her time with us, she has made countless videos, taken countless product pictures, and collaborated on so many social media posts and campaigns. We love Jess's creativity and she has be such a valuable addition to the bloom team and we are so lucky to have her! We are so inspired by Jess and we know you will be too! Read more about her below!
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am a twenty-two year old passionate artist and musician from the Philly suburbs. I am a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community as well. I just graduated from the University of Delaware’s Visual Communications program, and I am excited to begin my artistic career!
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced, personally or professionally? How have you overcome it?
Finishing my art program and graduating during the COVID-19 pandemic was probably one of the hardest things I’ve had to deal with both personally and professionally. I lacked the collaboration and physical resources needed to complete projects, in addition to losing some freelance opportunities early on.
Also, my a cappella group, The Deltones, were unable to have our final concert to say goodbye to the seniors. I didn’t get to have closure in many aspects, and it was hard to move on without that. Leaving behind the best four years at college is hard enough, and without proper closure and goodbye’s, it made it that much harder. Yet, throughout these 100 or so days of the pandemic, I’ve stayed connected with those who matter most to me. I’ve let myself feel sad, confused, and frustrated. I’ve been writing songs, creating art, finding new ways to stay inspired, and to continuing to let this be an opportunity for resilience.

What is your "WHY"?
Ever since I came out to the world as bisexual a year ago, I have been on a mission to love that part of myself and remind others to do the same. Everyone deserves to have self-love, as well as it is our duty to spread that love beyond ourselves to the world. When I think about my purpose in life, I think about my desire to leave a positive impact on the world through my art, music, and interactions with others. I want to continue to create meaningful relationships and inspire others through my art and music.
Who or what is your biggest inspiration/passion?
I am constantly inspired by so many musicians and artists in the world. I love the way musicians express their lived experiences through their songs and performances. Visual creatives who are admirably vibrant and open within their work and identities inspire me as well. My goal is to continue to be an
active singer-songwriter, while making the world a bit more beautiful and kind with art.

If you could talk to yourself 5 years ago, what advice would you give yourself?
I would tell 17 year old Jess that she is worth so much more than she thinks she is. She deserves to love herself the way she loves so many others in her life. There will be those who do not accept her, and those who are afraid of the light within her. She will continue to question her worth. Yet, Jess will accomplish great things, and have incredibly formative experiences, friendships and relationships. She will continue to shine brighter than she could ever imagine.
What do you want to offer our bloom community and how can they in return help you?
I want to inspire other bloom girls to be their most authentic selves and be proud to be who they are. The most important thing is that we share that pride and love with each other. This will make the world a much kinder and beautiful place.

What are your favorite bloom products, and why?
I want to be successful in achieving my goals and dreams, so I use a bloom planner. I’ve found that the Undated Dot Journaling Planner & Calendar is perfect for an artsy planner like myself. I am constantly inspired to follow my dreams when I put my ideas to paper (or in this case, planner!)

Do you know someone doing something amazing in your community? Nominate them to be a featured #bloomgirl by emailing us at bloom@bloomplanners.com!
the bloom team
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