At bloom, we believe in the power of random acts of kindness! The idea for our new Act of Kindness Cardscame from a recent company retreat in Florida. We went to the Magic Kingdom one day, and we had the idea to use our Belief Cards and surprise a few lucky guests with some random love! We wrote on the back of each card, "You've been hit with a random act of kindness! Hope you are having an AMAZING day at Disney! Consider paying it forward (in any way) and seeing how much love we can spread!" From buying hot chocolate and ice cream, to surprising children with light up Mickey Mouse ears, we saw how powerful these small gestures could be. Our acts of kindness not only effected the recipients, but they also effected the people around us who witnessed these actions, as well as ourselves, as we felt the pure joy of giving with no intent to get back. It was so powerful!

From this day, Act of Kindness Cards were born!
These are different from Beleif Cards in that they have a PRE-WRITTEN message on the back, so they are meant to be used spontaneously, whenever an opportunity to be kind presents itself. How large is your wake?! How much love can you spread? Need some ideas on how to be kind? We've compiled a list of our favorite acts of kindness below!
• Buy coffee for the person behind you in line
• Donate clothing
• Gift someone an old book of yours
• Bake something for your neighbor
• Call your grandparents just to chat
• Sincerely compliment your boss
• Hold the elevator
• Leave an extra tip
• Donate used books to a library
• Leave quarters at a laundry mat
• Bake someone a cake/cookies
• Cook a meal for someone
• Volunteeer at a nursing home
• Babysit for a single mom for free
• Leave a nice letter in a library book
• Write cards to children at a local hospital
• Say thank you when you see service members
• Walk dogs at the animal shelter
• Volunteer at a soup kitchen
• Help someone unload groceries at the store
• Write a teacher who made a difference in your life
• Bring flowers to nurses at your local hospital
• Talk to the shy person who's sitting by themselves
• Create activity bags for families of deployed soldiers
• Put a tip in the tip jar at the coffee shop
• Rake leaves or shovel snow for an elderly neighbor
• Give up your seat to someone on the bus or subway
• Donate socks and supplies to the homeless shelter
• Leave notes around the house for a spouse/sibling/child
• Give blood

- Invite a new friend or colleague for coffee.
- Donate time via a virtual volunteer opportunity (
- Support farmers at a local market.
- Take the time to write a great online review for a business you love.
- Tape a few quarters to the next kid’s toy or candy vending machine you see.
- Pass along a compliment to a service worker’s boss.
- Put sticky notes with affirmations on public bathroom mirrors.
- Relay an overheard compliment.
- Bring treats to your local fire station.
- Participate in a walk or run for a cause.
- Short-circuit gossip with a positive comment.
- Use a reusable shopping bag, coffee mug, and water bottle.
- Leave a thank you note on the windshield of a car that has a military or veterans sticker.
- Offer to take a photo for a group in public.
- Use a reusable shopping bag, coffee mug, and water bottle.
- Write a teacher, coach, or boss who made a difference in your life.
- Text someone good morning or good night.
- Share your favorite book with someone.
- Praise a local business online.
- Pick up trash around your neighborhood.
- Visit the nearest little library and donate a book.
- Cook a meal for someone going through a toughtime.
- Bake someone a cake/cookies.
- Leave snacks and refreshments for delivery drivers.
- Use recyclable brown paper to wrap gifts.
- Rake leaves, shovel, or weed for a neighbor.
- Watch a friend's kid(s) for free to give them a break.
- Write positive messages and sticky notes and leavefor others to find.
- Apologize for a past mistake.
- Volunteer at a local shelter.
- Collect food for a local pantry.
- Genuinely compliment 3 strangers.
- Plant flowers in a community park or window box.
- Send a care package to a soldier overseas.
- Babysit, do laundry, or cook for new parents.
- Learn CPR.
- Register as an organ donor.
- Write to a boss praising a helpful employee.
- Put away your phone when you are with someone.
- Contact a local official with a cause you believe in.
- Mentor a child, new student, or colleague.
- Make a helpful business or personal introduction.
- Be kind to a customer service worker.
- Slow down so someone can merge in front of you in traffic.
- Write a thank you note to your mail carrier.
- Bike or walk rather than drive.
- Let someone in a hurry ahead of you in a line.
- Do a chore you know your roommate/partner hates.
- Say something encouraging to a parent who’s struggling with rambunctious kids in public.
- Offer to return a stranger’s grocery cart to the front of the store.

Looking for more ideas and ways to spread love? Check out: - Kindness ideas, resources, and kindness challenges
#DoGoodFromHome: For every kind act shared with #DoGoodFromHome, Hasbro will donate a toy or game to
organizations providing care to the children of COVID-19 essential workers, up to 25,000 toys and games.
Love for the Elderly - A nonprofit that helps the elderly. They're requesting kind,
hand-written letters that they'll send to seniors in lock-down.