
Featured #bloomgirl: Deanna Saracino; Founder of La Clé!

This month's featured #bloomgirl is Deanna Saracino! We are so inspired by Denna's passion, drive, energy, and positivity! Read more about her below! 


Tell us a little bit about yourself!

My name is Deanna Saracino. I was Born and raised in Ottawa - Canada and now live in Northern VA, just outside Washington DC. I Played soccer all my life which landed me south of the border where I played Division 1 soccer at James Madison University in Virginia. I also played semi-professional for 5 years and got a chance to travel all over the world and meet so many great people. I coached soccer professionally for many years after my playing career ended and now I own my own business and feel really grateful about where my journey has led me.

How did La Cle get its start?

I started La Clé after a major failure in my life. I was transitioning out of the soccer coaching world and working hard on building my first startup business when everything fell apart. I found myself for the first time in my life not having a plan. It was a difficult time because I had to walk away from something I built and invested a lot of money, blood, sweat, and tears into and start completely over. I didn't surround myself with the right people and learned a hard lesson in the process. Being in the position I was in, I decided I needed to do something out of my comfort zone. I always wanted to create my own business so I decided to start building a brand that focused on helping to give people a positive mindset which is the "KEY" to everything we do, hence "La Clé" which means the "KEY" in French. I needed this message at the time more than ever so it kept me focused and on track and really helped Refocus my life. At first, it was just a creative outlet, allowing me to make things and learn how to build a small business on your own. The first year of La Clé was like a masters course in life. I learned so much and figured out what I wanted very quickly just by doing and not giving up. By year 2 it was a full-time job and now has grown into an amazing little operation I am beyond proud of.

Shop La Clé, here

Who or what is your biggest inspiration?

I draw inspiration from a lot of people! I love hearing authentic stories about the little guy/underdog that went from nothing to something. Typical athlete and Canadian, I cry every time a team wins the Stanley Cup and lifts it above their head. I love seeing months and years of hard work and preparation culminate into something memorable. I am always in awe of those who just keep at it and become successful purely based on their hard work. Sara Blakely's (SPANX) story is a great one that inspired me during the process as well.


What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced, personally or professionally? How have you overcome it?

The biggest challenge was probably my first business idea, failing. I partnered with the wrong people and learned a hard lesson in business and realized that no one is going to work as hard as I am willing to work and my secret to all the success I've had in my life is a direct reflection from all the hard work and sacrifice I was willing to put into something. I overcame this heartbreak and failure by not dwelling on it, but rather challenging that energy into something new and keeping my focus on building a business and being in control of my own success.


If you could talk to yourself 5 years ago, what advice would you give yourself?

Trust your gut & surround yourself with positive people.

What are some key books/learning experiences that helped shape you/your business?

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a life-changing book. It really helped give me a new perspective! 

How to be a no limit person by Wayne W Dyer is a must for everyone!

What are your favorite bloom products, and why?

I am all about to-to lists so any of blooms Bound To-Do Books are key to helping me through my day! I love the inspiration that comes in each book and the super helpful sections to help set goals and organize my day better!



We hope you loved getting to know Denna! Do you have a #girlboss story to share? Email us at for a chance to be our next featured bloom girl! 



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Featured #bloomgirl: Deanna Saracino; Founder of La Clé!